- Independent coverage of 450+ precious metals stocks in the hottest jurisdictions
- Universal rating system using 20+ metrics that allows for direct stock comparison
- Hottest regions covered in full: Canada, Nevada, Mexico, Alaska, Latin America, Africa, and all PGM companies.
- New regions and coverage being added monthly.
- Excel worksheet files with all data and scores
- Big Data: G&A, burn rates, production costs, and more.
- “Weekly Trends” newsletter with technical analysis and stock picks.
- Monthly “Market Intelligence” with an overview of the markets that covers the macro picture and points of interest.
- Ask Our Analysts feature for questions about companies or issues.*
- Personal Portfolio Review by our analyst team.*
*Exclusive to Annual Subscribers
New: Tickerscores Top 10 Reports
Each quarter, we put together a report of our Top 10 analyst picks with extended coverage. This is $220 value over the course of the year, but our subscribers get it for FREE.
Our picks from Q1 2014 averaged a return of 23.2% over the last three months. This beat both the GDXJ and TSX Venture and eight picks had double-digit returns. Like Tickerscores, the Top 10 report is 100% independent and unbiased. Companies cannot pay us for coverage.
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